Follow a Discussion

To follow a discussion, click the 📌Follow button after a discussion has started.

This action will add the discussion to your Proper App Home and trigger a modal explaining how to subscribe to notifications.

Normal Slack message threads

When replying in normal Slack message thread, you will follow it (receive notifications about new replies) by default. Users who haven't replied but still want notifications can opt-in by clicking Follow message in the overflow menu on the far right side of the message.

Proper discussion threads

When replying anonymously in a Proper discussion thread, Proper is posting a message on your behalf, but there is no way (yet) for Proper to subscribe you to notifications for the thread.

In order to subcribe to notifications in a Proper discussion thread, click Follow message in the overflow menu on the far right side of the first message, just like you would for a normal Slack message thread you would like to follow but have not replied in.

Last updated

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