App Settings

The following settings for Nightowl can be configured using the App Settings button near the top of the app Home tab:

  • Theme

    • Choose between Light and Dark themes to match the app home to your Slack client setting.

  • Navigation

    • Choose between Drawers and Pages to change the UI of the app home.

  • Sent with Nightowl

    • Set the default preference for whether new messages should show "Sent with Nightowl" at the bottom.

  • Unfurl behavior

    • Set the default preference for whether new messages containing URLs should show a preview of the linked content.

  • Optional sections

    • Show/hide the Getting Started section

Workspace and app admins can click the 🔐Admin Settings button in the App Settings modal to manage Admin Settings.

Users that are not app or workspace admins can request app admin permissions by clicking the Request admin permissions button.

Last updated